class YoursTruly : Developer, IHobbyist, IComposeLet, IArtLet, ICodeLet, IModelLet { string name = "Floccinaucinihilipilificates Lengthy Absurd Names"; string role = "Hobbyist Game Developer"; GameEngine gameEngine = GameEngine.Stride3D; MusicSoftware musicSoftware = MusicSoftware.MuseScore; TwoDArtSoftware artSoftware2D = TwoDArtSoftware.Krita; ThreeDArtSoftware artSoftware3D = ThreeDArtSoftware.Blender; bool learning3DArt = true; string gameGoal = "Aiming to make a fun game"; bool reliesOnChatGPT = false; // local dolphin llm all the way float DrawingInspiration = 100.0f; float ModellingInspiration = 100.0f; void Update() { if (gameDev.Energies < 35.0f) gameDev.Sleep(); if (gameDev.Hunger < 35.0f) gameDev.Eat(); if (gameDev.Caffeine < 75.0f) gameDev.OverdoseOnCoffee(); DevelopTheFuckinDreamGame(); //gameDev.Inspiration.PracticeDrawing = DrawingInspiration; //gameDev.Inspiration.PracticeModelling = ModellingInspiration; // The two lines above were commented out to avoid crashes, fix pending } void DevelopTheFuckinDreamGame() { gameDev.StartCoding(); if (gameDev.TiredFromCoding()) gameDev.MakeMusic(); if (gameDev.TiredFromMusic()) gameDev.ContinueCoding; if (gameDev.TiredFromCoding() && gameDev.TiredFromMusic) { // This block will execute most of the time because of UI-refactoring hell. gameDev.WalkInCircles(); do { gameDev.Despair(); } while (gameDev.Burnout > 0.45f) } if (gameDev.Inspiration.PracticeDrawing > 95.0f) gameDev.PracticeDrawing(); if (gameDev.Inspiration.PracticeModelling > 95.0f) gameDev.PracticeModelling(); } }